Tuesday 11 December 2012

ChAnNz – Effervescence of Ecstasy with Friends!!

We long to those days…
Wish we could linger more…

It has been truly said that Friends can be New, Friends can be Old, All of them are precious as GOLD.  A lot of people go through life with only a few friends. It seems that some have less than that. Talking about  ChAnNz  , it was just a group of Three, few years back and now It’s an immaculate Bond of Trust, Love, Care, happiness, sorrow, compassion, sympathy, honesty and inanity. 22nd July 2006 THE BIG DATE when this disaster happened and till now what is evident is in front of you: P!! It seems as if the friendship tale was already written before and we enacted our roles pretty well. We started just like strangers from unknown parts; it was just by chance we felt that we shared something common, in spite of the vast differences; the so called ‘BOND’. This grew a lot to that stage where it became inseparable. We were glad being together, at good and bad times, we were glad that we could understand each other better than we could understand ourselves. In this tiresome four year life, this comradeship gave us a stand to survive on, a new hope for tomorrow. When either among us goes out the way, we had the rest two to sidetrack our paths in a proper way. Like any other relationship we too had small ties, misunderstandings in our way, but someone has truly said “some misunderstanding is essential for better understanding” and we are glad that we had met these. After all the best part of the relation comes when you really feel for it and accept each others flaws us one’s own and we really felt this kind of aura. We didn’t have the feelings of YOU, YOURS among us, it was all WE and US. That’s the best part which we could attain. We just want to highlight one thing through this article and that is why we need Friends and Friendships? Friendship is a path of unrelenting concern. It is a view of life that encompasses not just your life but the life of the other. It is a special bond that is created out of genuine affection and is given freely to those who have shown their truth. It is given without the thought of reward but with the essence of the heart which longs for this special connection. True friends form a special connection that will weather any storm. True friends understand being human and give the other room to grow. True friends are there even when they are not expected to be present. Remember “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born”. Through this article we are not heading with the point that ChAnNz is a group which has conquered all the limitations and have become the prefect statue of Friendship, but apparently it has become a channel of love, affection, support, and Joy to all three of us. Like others we had horrendous days, tedious nights before exams and much more memorable experiences of life time. So let’s get some real friends in this world and LETS BE FRIENDS!!!
Our life wouldn’t have been this smooth until and unless we had the blessings and affection from all those who were around us and specially to Madam Daulat, Yamuna mam, Mahalakshmi mam, Poonam mam, Monalisa mam, Karan sir… Dr Mittal and of course YOU, who had taken keen curiosity in reading this. We feel you are the lucky one among 1,169 million who got the chance to read about ChAnNz…JJJ
 It’s a great saying that—
The greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friend’s 
 PrabhaJ, AnnaJ, NeethuJ--- ChAnNz!!