Thursday 1 August 2019


Life is important. Do you know something else? in every way it is important. so what is the purpose for this? see if you have a purpose and you fulfil it, what will you do? Bored, isn't it? it is just that life is so intricate  and so phenomenally intricate, that if you spend 10, 000 years looking at it carefully , you still will not know it entirely. if you spend a million years looking at it with absolute focus, still you will not know it in its entirety. Thats how it it...

Is there a meaning to it?

The greatest thing about life is that there is no meaning to it. This is the greatest aspect of life that it has no meaning to it and there is no need to it to have a meaning. It is the pitiness of one's mind that it will seek meaning, Because,  psychologically you will feel kind of unconnected with life, if you don't have purpose and a meaning. People are constantly trying to create the false purposes. Now, they were quite fine and happy.  Suddenly, they got married. Now the purpose is other person. Then they have children. Now they become miserable with each other. Now the whole purpose that I go through all this misery is because of children. Like this, it goes one. These are things that are causing and holding these as purposes of life. And is there a God given purpose?  WHAT IF GOD DOES NOT KNOW YOU EXIST!? If you pay little attention this purposes of life,  you would not need any other purpose. It will keep you engaged for a million years if you want. There is so much happening. So much means so much unbelievable things are happening right here.  If you pay enough attention. A million years if existence, It will keep you busy or more :)

Right now,  the need for purpose has come because, you are trapped in your psychological structure. Not  in your life process. Psychological structure functions from the limited data that is has gathered. With in that it rolls and right now, your thought and emotion has become far more important than your life. Isn't it so? So, because of you seeking a purpose as an escape from the trap that you've set for yourself. IT IS A TRAP SET BY YOU!

You can easily come out of it. But that is a whole thing. Why it is so difficult is, now you're identified with the trap you like it because it gives you a certain sense of safety and security and protection and individual identity. If you build a cocoon around yourself, it gives you safety but, it also imprisons you. First thing you need is balance. If you've balance then you can climb. If you dont have balance, it's better you stay on the ground, isn't it? It is not safe for somebody who is not balanced to climb high. It's best you stay close to the ground. You should not climb.

So, first thing is to establish a balance. Then you loosen your psychological structure. Then it's a wonderful thing. If you are loosening your psychological structure without balance, which lot of people are doing today, see, why does somebody want to drink alchohol or take drug, because it loosens your psychological structure and makes you feel liberated for a moment. But without the necessary balance, you have not worked for the balance, but you got your freedom. Freedom without balance is destruction, anarchy, isn't it?

So, first thing is to work for balance, an enormous sense of balance. Where even if you dismantle your psychological structure, you can simply live here. Dismantling your psychological structure is an important process. because, that is your trap. That is your security. That is your stability. At the same time that's your trap. Because the walls are set, you feel secured, but that's also your trap. If you dismantle your trap, you also dismantle your security, sense of purpose, everything that matters to you,  isn't it?  That will need balance. without balance, if you dismantle you will go crazy.

But, don't look for a purpose. Because, if you look for a purpose you are seeking madness. If you find one you are sure mad. If you think you have found a purpose in life you still..... you're for sure gone crazy. Because only the insane people have purpose or people who have purpose are insane in many ways. These are things that you create in mind and believe it's true, isn't it?

The purpose of the life is to live and live totally. To live does not mean party every night. To live totally means, BEFORE YOU FALL DEAD, EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE HAS BEEN EXPLORED. Nothing has left unexplored. You do not live anything untouched. You just do that. That will take a long time. That's good enough purpose for you!